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His Obsession: A Dark Romance (Black Hearts MC Book 1) Read online

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  I’d like to say I fought the good fight and won, but that would be a lie. My stomach was on fire, and every time I caught another whiff of the food, it felt like someone stabbing me in the gut.

  The hunger hurt far more than I’d ever anticipated. I stood up and walked over to the food. I bargained with myself that if I only ate a little bit, I could stop the stabbing pains in my stomach and I wouldn’t get enough of whatever they’d dosed the food with to drug me out of my mind.

  That sounded like a plan to me, so I sat down on the floor next to the tray and took the lid off. My eyes went wide. There was one thing on the tray I hadn’t been able to smell because the aroma of the pot roast was so strong. On a little plate next to the pot roast and potatoes was a piece of chocolate cake. I’d only ever had chocolate cake once in my life. It was when I was very little and my mother was still around.

  I’d just started going to school, so I must have been around five. She tried to have a real birthday party for me. Someone—it certainly couldn’t have been her—baked me a cake. There were a few pink balloons, and a much older woman gave me a doll.

  I remembered the woman was plump, and I closed my eyes so I could bring back the memory of when she’d hugged me. As far as I could recall, she was the only person who ever did, and the doll she gave me was a constant reminder of that day. She wore a purple shirt, and her thick gray hair was pulled up into a bun on top of her head. I remembered that she smelled like something sweet.

  After the party, the woman and my mom were outside. The woman cried, and my mother yelled at her. I never saw her again.

  Up until my father sold me to Tamara, I would hug that doll whenever I wanted to remember the woman. He’d thrown it in the trash when Tamara came for me. Sometimes I wished I still had it.

  When I opened my eyes, the chocolate cake was gone. I’d been so hungry that I ate it without even realizing it. The cake had left a slightly bitter chemical aftertaste in my mouth. It wasn’t unlike the memories it invoked. I swore I wasn’t going to take another bite of the food, but my survival instincts kicked in and I wolfed it down so fast that it almost made me dizzy.

  My stomach felt full and stretched for the first time in a very long time. It was nice, other than the guilt that accompanied it. I’d been weak.

  I couldn’t think about it for long, though. My eyelids began to grow heavy. It probably wasn’t just the drugs in the food. My body wanted me to rest so it could use the meal to help me get stronger.

  I didn’t want to get stronger. I wanted to waste away. The dirty mattress on the floor had never looked so inviting. I made my way over to it and laid down. I figured I’d just close my eyes for a minute. I’d need my strength when the guards came around. I’d had to be strong enough to provoke them.

  As I drifted off, I imagined a place up in the clouds where I could go to wait for the woman in the purple t-shirt. I’d find her and she’d wrap her arms around me again. Maybe we could bake a cake together…

  My head was swimming when I woke. The chains around my wrists and ankles felt like they weighed a million pounds. It didn’t matter. I was far too high to fight. Bruno must have figured me out and doubled the dose. If only he’d tripled it. Perhaps I would have gotten my wish.

  I didn’t hear them at first, but soon the sound of the men down at the other end of the cages reached my ears. They were laughing, and one of the girls was already crying.

  It felt like an eternity before the group of men made it down to my cage. I could turn my head to the side enough to watch them drift down my way. Two men had already chosen a girl and left with their purchase. That left three men and Bruno by the time they got to my cell.

  My mind was too fuzzy and my body felt heavy, but I did my best to fight. I growled at the men and fought against the chains as much as my leaden limbs would let me. There was always the chance that one of them wanted a slave to break, but it was more likely that they were looking for a terrified, subservient girl.

  I’d called it right. They shook their heads and turned to the cage across from mine. Bruno shot me a look that let me know I was in trouble.

  I knew what men wanted, and I would not give it to them. Bruno would have to kill me because I’d be a liability. There was no point for him in keeping a woman no man wanted alive. He had to feed me on his own dime if I never earned my keep.

  By the time the men were halfway back down the aisle, the second wave from the drugs hit me. I began to drift off again. Knowing how badly I’d pissed Bruno off was almost enough to make me smile.


  The sensation of my hair being ripped out was enough to immediately snap me out of my stupor. I didn’t know how long it had been, but Bruno dragged me off my mattress by my hair. He’d unchained my wrists and ankles, and it hadn’t woken me.

  “What is wrong with you?” he asked and slapped me so hard across the face that I tasted blood.

  I rubbed my stinging cheek absently as I contemplated my response. Bruno had come into my cage to deal with me himself. I hadn’t expected that.

  I guess I didn’t respond fast enough. He kicked me in the stomach and screamed that he should kill me because I was worthless. But lucky me, one of the benefits of the drugs he’d given me was that they dulled the pain of his blows.

  “You’re right,” I cried back and then laughed. “But I’m not as worthless as you. I bet that’s why you beat us girls so bad. It’s because you can’t fuck us, right? Your little Russian pecker doesn’t work anymore, I’d bet.”

  He turned bright red, and I knew I’d hit my mark. Bruno’s fist struck my face right above my cheekbone. Stars exploded behind my eyes. I’d insulted him in front of his men. Two of his favorite bodyguards stood outside the cage, watching with smiles plastered across both of their sadistic faces.

  The drugs took the sting out of the beating, but it didn’t stop the actual damage. Bruno punched and kicked me until the darkness crept into my peripheral vision. It filled my eyes until I was out cold.

  I groaned as I came back to consciousness. Heart broken. He hadn’t beaten me to death.

  Someone was shaking my shoulder, and I realized that he’d left me on the floor next to the bars I shared with the cage next to mine. The girl in that cage, Lolli, was shaking me.

  “Oh my god, Sapphire. Are you okay?”

  I groaned again.

  “Come on, Sapphire. Wake up. Please.”

  I just wanted to lay there and hope that I hemorrhaged internally or something, but I felt bad for Lolli. I was only four years older than her, but it felt like an eternity of life to endure. Bruno was her first owner, and I doubted that she’d ever seen a girl die before. I’d seen it, but what did that matter.

  “I’m okay, Lolli.”

  “Oh, thank god,” she said. “I thought you were dead.”

  “I wish.”

  “I’ve got some Oxy over here if you need it.” She must have thought I wished I was dead because of the pain.

  Lolli was a drug addict. Hell, I probably was too at that point because of all the shit they put in my food, but Lolli was a voluntary drug addict. She behaved and did what she was told, so they kept her in supply most of the time.

  “You keep it,” I said.

  “Hey, Sapphire,” she whispered.


  “Me and a couple of the other girls have been talking. We were thinking that if you could get Bruno or one of his men into your cell again, maybe you could get one of their guns. We could get out of here,” Lolli said hopefully.

  “There’s no point,” I said. “Even if I killed the guards down here, there are too many upstairs and outside. We’d never get past them.”

  For a moment, I still thought it might be worth a try. They’d kill me for trying to escape. It might be my only way. Or I could just take the gun and turn it on myself. It was actually a perfect plan, except that I worried about the other girls. It was one thing to get myself killed, but it was something else entirely to bring any kin
d of additional pain to them. I had no care left inside me for myself, but that didn’t mean I was a heartless monster.

  Still, if I could get one of their guns and shoot myself. Surely, they wouldn’t punish the other girls for that. That was my ticket to my only way out.


  Chapter Three


  In the month since I’d been at Bruno’s house, I hadn’t been able to close my eyes without seeing her face. Her eyes haunted my thoughts, no matter how much whiskey I drank trying to erase them. I’d never had that kind of reaction to a woman, let alone a woman who was half dead in a basement prison. But I knew under the dirt and rags that covered her, she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. When she was healthy again, she’d be one of those women so stunning that it was hard to look at them. She’d be like staring into the sun. Glorious.

  And blinding.

  That’s what I’d become. I was blinded by my obsession with her. Hell, for all I knew, she was probably already dead. Still, in the month prior, I’d moved money around so that as long as this drug trade went smoothly, I’d offer to buy her. That thought was the only thing that let me sleep at night.

  I’d even made some preparations for her arrival. I had a room set up in my basement just for her. I wouldn’t be able to let her roam freely around the house until I could trust her, but her space downstairs was nicer than what Bruno had supplied. I hoped that she’d appreciate it.

  The day of the trade came, and I could hardly hold still. I stayed on my bike and away from my brothers. I just rode. In my mind, I could almost feel her arms wrapped around my waist as we glided around the mountain roads.

  It was a stupid fantasy, but I couldn’t let it go. I knew I could never love a woman, but god damned if I couldn’t obsess over one. I’d played the fantasy over and over in my head. She’d submit, and I’d be able to spoil her once she did.

  You could always tell when it was time for business at Bruno’s place. I pulled up in front of his house, and there wasn’t a vehicle in sight. There was no party when deals went down. I preferred it that way, and Bruno was too paranoid to have a bunch of lowlifes hanging around while the big deals went down. Only his most trusted men would be there, but that meant my brother and I were outmanned and outgunned. The only reason I allowed myself to walk into a situation like that on Bruno’s home turf was that Bruno and the club had a long relationship.

  A prospect, Frank, followed me in a truck to haul the shipment back to the warehouse. “Keep your head down and your mouth shut,” I said. “And watch my back.”

  We walked up to the front, and the guy at the door opened it for us. I was used to a nod as a greeting. The fact that the guy, an armed Russian gangster, was being cordial gave me pause.

  Bruno sat on a sofa in the formal living area. I wasn’t used to him waiting for me. Something was up.

  “Good to see you, friend,” he said and stood.

  Yep, something was definitely not right.

  “Is everything ready?” I asked, not returning his greeting. “I got my truck ready to go.”

  “For the most part,” Bruno said as he sat again. “We had an issue.”

  Shit. Why couldn’t this deal have just gone down smooth? I did not want to deal with any fucking complications. I’d had plans for this deal beyond just getting the drugs.

  “What kind of issue?”

  “I couldn’t get enough to fill the order.”

  “You’ve had a month,” I shouldn’t have said it, but I couldn’t hide my frustration. I hoped my momentary slip didn’t cost the MC this relationship. I just hated bootlicking.

  “You think you can get your stuff somewhere else?” Bruno asked. “Be my guest.”

  “I’m sorry. I was rude.” He relaxed at my apology. He should have, after all; he was the one who’d come up short in the deal. “What’s going on?” I asked as respectfully as I could.

  “One of the shipments got stuck in Long Beach. It’s going to be a while.”

  “When will you have the rest?”

  “We don’t know, but my men are working on it.”

  “How much are you short? We’ll take what you’ve got, and I’ll come back and pay you for the rest when it’s in.”

  “That’s going to be an issue,” Bruno said. “I need all the money now. I’ll get you the rest of the product as soon as I can.”

  “Bruno. Work with me here. My brothers are not going to like that.”

  “Relationships are important, Kade. I’ve learned in my lifetime that they are far more important than money.”

  I thought it over for a few moments. Relationships were important. The brothers wouldn’t like it, but they’d like losing Bruno as a source even less.

  Then, I had an idea. “You let me take one of your girls, and I’ll smooth things over with the club,” I said. I had enough money to replace the money Bruno took without giving us supply in return. He was good for it, eventually, and I’d get the girl.

  “Let me go see who’s around. I’m sure I’ve got somebody to meet your needs. We got some fresh young things in yesterday. I bet they’re out by the pool with the handler.”

  “No,” I said. “I mean, thank you. That’s a generous offer, but I want something a little more… broken in. I don’t want to have to break her myself. Ain’t got the time.”

  “Well then...” He stroked his chin. “Let’s go downstairs and see what I can do for you.”

  I followed him through the house. At the back of one of the rooms were floor to ceiling windows, and I got a good look at the pool. Jesus, the new girls looked young. I’d thought his stock had looked underage the night I came to confirm our deal, but then they’d been wearing makeup and skimpy clothes. With no makeup on, dressed in bathing suits and flip-flops, most of them barely appeared high school age. I had to get the fuck out of there. I needed to talk to the brothers about seeking out another source. That shit was the kind of heat we didn’t need our club associated with.

  Once we were down in the basement, I walked casually down to her cage. I stopped and looked at a couple of the other girls. Bruno didn’t need to know how badly I wanted her. If he did, it was something he could use against me. I needed this to stay as him doing me a favor.

  I got down to her cage, and she was spread-eagle on her mattress. Her head lolled to one side, and I could see bruising all over her body. She appeared to be drugged, too. Seeing her like that made me want to snap Bruno’s neck. I felt like she was already mine, and it pissed me off to see my property damaged that way. I didn’t want her strung out on drugs, either.

  Her black cotton panties strained against the outline off her pussy, and I had to bite the inside of my mouth to keep from raging. Who knew what Bruno’s men did to her when she was like that. I didn’t want to think about what they were doing to that little pussy of hers because it belonged to me.

  “I’ll take this one,” I said and started to walk back toward Bruno.

  “I’m afraid not, Kane,” Bruno said. “What about Taffy over here? She’ll serve you well. Or Lolli. She’s the girl in the cage next to that one. I’m afraid that Sapphire is mine. She’s a special project.”

  “This is the one I want,” I said.

  “Yeah, I get that, but I’ve got plenty of other girls.”

  “If I can’t have this one, the deal is off.” Fuck me. I should have kept my mouth shut. I’d said something stupid, and he knew how bad I wanted her.

  “I’ll give you double the amount of missing drugs, Kade. I’ll have them to you in less than a week. You have my word. No girl. And you get the fuck off my property before I put a bullet in you.”

  “Fine. I’ll be back in a week.”

  Back at the truck, Frank had a look. “What?”


  “Fuck you, prospect. Tell me what.”

  “Look, I don’t want to be disrespectful, but I don’t get it. Why were you gunnin’ so hard to get that girl. If I didn’t know any better, I’d
have said you were planning to get her from the jump.”

  “You’re too smart for your own good.”

  “But why, Kade? I mean, there are tons of girls willing to put out any time a brother wants it. Why did you want her?”

  “Mind your own goddamned business, prospect.”

  Chapter Four


  A week went by, and all I’d done was grow more restless and agitated. There was only so much that time under a barbell and jacking off could do.

  When I’d gotten to the point where my body ached like I’d been hit by a truck and my cock was raw, I made the decision to do something.

  Bruno’s relationship to the club meant nothing to me when he’d stolen my property. He’d had the opportunity to make things right, but he’d decided to play a power trip instead.

  I had no idea why he wanted her, but whatever his reasons, I didn’t care. I felt like a lion who’d stalked their prey for weeks, only to have it poached. It wouldn’t stand.

  While I was no pussy, I’d become softer over the last couple of years. I’d let fear rule my life and my thoughts, but one look at her and her big blue eyes unleashed something inside me. I felt like a real man for the first time in a long time.

  And real men handled their shit.

  I knew that in the end, my brothers would have my back over that of some Russian drug dealer. We’d find a new source. Fuck that Russian cunt. He fucked up when he shorted us on the last deal.

  Black Hearts MC could find business partners that kept their word. Once I had my woman in my home where she belonged, I’d find us a new source that wouldn’t drop the ball and then threaten me.

  Fuck. I should have killed him right then and there.

  Not giving a shit about Bruno and our partnership freed me up to do what I needed to do. I was going to break into his place and take what was mine.

  I wanted to walk in guns blazing, but I couldn’t. I’d get both me and my property killed. I needed a plan.