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His Obsession: A Dark Romance (Black Hearts MC Book 1) Read online

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  Breaking into Bruno’s house and getting her out of the basement wouldn’t be easy, but it wasn’t impossible.

  I knew I’d have to go at night, but it had to be a night that he wasn’t having guests. The fewer people in his house, the more likely I’d survive. I knew it would be even better if Bruno was gone, too.

  That meant I had to figure out when he was going to sort out the rest of the MC’s shipment. Whenever he left the house to deal with the holdup at the pier, I’d move in. Since he’d promised to have the shipment to me in a week, I knew he’d have to go deal with it himself.

  I had a contact in Bruno’s men. I’d have to call in a chit to get the information, but it was worth burning a favor. If I didn’t find out the specific day, I’d have to stake out his place. I didn’t have time for that, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold back if I was that close to her.

  My contact worked nights with Bruno, so I called him during the day.



  “What can I do for you?” His Russian accent was faint.

  “I need to know when your boss is going to the docks.”

  “Kade...” He hesitated.

  “I’m calling in.”

  “Fine.” I heard him sigh. “He’s out tomorrow night. Whatever it is, it doesn’t come back on me.”

  “Appreciated,” I said and hung up.

  I was so close to having her. I only had to wait one more day. In the meantime, I was going on a stakeout.

  Bruno was probably still asleep, and he’d have fewer men on duty during the day. It was time for me to go figure out my best route in and out of his house.

  I rode to Bruno’s neighborhood and parked my bike in the driveway of a vacant house that was for sale. It was a nice afternoon, but overcast.

  The weather was pleasant enough that no one would question a man out for a walk. The property to the back of Bruno’s place wasn’t vacant, but no one was around.

  After a trip around the block and watching Bruno’s place from behind a shrub in his neighbor’s backyard, I had the blind spots and perimeter checks down.

  Bruno had a surprising lack of security, but I guessed that was because no one would dare mess with him or his house. No one but me. But if I played it right, he wouldn’t know who hit him.

  When I was done scoping out the house and making my plan, I walked back to the vacant house to get my bike.

  Unfortunately, there was a black BMW parked in the driveway and a woman in her fifties, dressed in a navy blue skirt suit, standing out in front of the house. Even if I went through the back, there was no way to get my bike past the woman. She was on the phone, and I hoped it wasn’t with the cops.

  It was then that I noticed the decal on the side of the car. She was a realtor.

  “You the agent for the seller?” I asked with my best non-threatening smile on my face.

  “I am.” she said. “Nancy Cartright. That wouldn’t happen to be your bike around back?”

  “It is,” I said and reached out my hand to her. “I was interested in the place, and I figured I’d take a look around the neighborhood.”

  “Oh, yes.” She sounded relieved. “What did you think of the neighborhood? Would you like a tour?”

  I didn’t want a tour, but I figured it would help sell the narrative that I was there to buy the house. “Sure, but I’ve got a meeting so we gotta make it quick.”

  I followed her through the house while she told me about flooring and architectural interest. My house was nicer than this one, but I hadn’t worried about any of that shit. I’d paid someone to take care of my architectural interest.

  “You have any hobbies?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Do you have any hobbies?” the real estate agent asked again. “There’s a workshop in the garage. I think you’ll like it.”

  Moving the tour to the garage would get me closer to my bike. I figured I’d let her show me the workshop, and then I’d make my exit.

  “Motorcycle restoration.”

  “Great! Follow me.”

  I was on edge the second we walked into the garage. It was dark, and we walked in and let the door close before she turned on the light. Panic struck me, and I whirled around to grab the knob. The door wouldn’t budge.

  “Hang on just a second,” she said. “Let me find that light switch.” She flipped on the flashlight on her phone, but it did nothing to stem the wave of terror that gripped me.

  Suddenly, the smell of hot sand filled my nose. I heard the sound of men moaning in pain ringing in my ears. I knew I wasn’t there, but I could see one of my captors standing before me in the half light.

  I was back in the pit.

  Only the most sadistic of the guards stepped into my cell. The one entering now had a car battery with two wires attached. He threw it to the ground.

  The memory was as clear as day, and I couldn’t bring my mind back to that dark garage with the realtor, no matter how hard I tried.

  “My commanding officer says I need to use whatever means necessary to extract the information he wants,” the guard said and kicked the battery. “He said I should attach these wires to your balls. But I have better ideas.” He slammed the door closed.

  It was pitch-black in the cell. I heard him cross the room. His boot made contact with my stomach. His hand grabbed my hair and yanked me up to my knees. He hit me on the back of the head, and I was on all fours.

  His hands found the waistband of my pants, and he yanked my pants down to expose my ass.

  “I thought you guys killed gays,” I said, and the butt of his rifle found the back of my skull again. Unfortunately, it didn’t knock me out.

  “I’d like to tell you that if you told me the information I wanted to know, this would stop. But I think we both know the truth. Now, shut your fucking mouth before I break your teeth.”

  He knelt between my knees, and I felt the end of the rifle pressed against the back of my head. The sick fuck spits on his cock and then pushed into me.

  I tried to hold back my scream, but it was a reflex. The same reflex that caused my muscles to bear down and try and push him out. The same reflex that caused me near unbearable agony.

  “Mr. Black?” The real estate agent’s voice brought me out of my memory. The lights were on. “Are you okay?”

  I looked down. My hands were shaking. “Yeah. Sorry. I just hate being trapped anywhere.”

  She hit a button, and the garage door opened. “Thank you for your time,” I said over my shoulder as I left the garage.

  I got on my bike and didn’t look back. At that point, I didn’t care if I damaged the yard or her car. I rode my bike around front and took off.

  Part of me wanted to go back over to Bruno’s and shoot the place up. I needed my blue-eyed doll. I knew she was the only thing that could make my pain better. The only way to beat it was to give her my agony until she submitted to me entirely.

  Her cries of pleasure and pain would be my salvation.

  When I knew that Bruno was gone, I made my move. I wasn’t sure what state my girl would be in when I took her, so I drove the truck.

  There was no way the real estate agent would be doing showings at the vacant house that late, but it was still too risky to park in that driveway. The neighbors would be home and probably watching. I lived near rich assholes, so I knew how they were.

  I parked one street over and two blocks down in the other direction. I didn’t want to risk anyone who’d seen me skulking around calling the cops, but I couldn’t go too far.

  Just as I suspected, there was no one watching a small window on the side of the house close to a crop of bushes. I made my way off the sidewalk and over to that window. Bruno’s house wasn’t surrounded by a fence or wall, but I’d have bet it would be shortly after I took what was mine.

  The window was locked, so I had to cut the glass. I stuck the suction cups with handles to the pane and cut around the edge. Once it was separated from the frame
, I used the handles on the cups to set it gently inside. I couldn’t leave it on the ground outside because someone might see it.

  I went through the opening and found myself standing in one of the ground floor spare rooms. It was unoccupied, and it put me close to the basement steps.

  Before I left the room, I made sure I had one in the chamber and tucked my gun back into my waistband. The syringe I intended to use on the guard in the basement was in my pocket. I pulled it out and uncapped the needle.

  I was almost there. She was almost mine.

  Chapter Five


  I opened the bedroom door and heard guards down the hall. If one of them caught me, I’d be shot on sight. I only had two syringes, so I had to play it smart. My adrenaline pumped through my veins. My blood was on fire, and my heart thundered in my chest. My mind had flipped over to fight or flight mode, but that night, I would not run away.

  The guards’ voices were at the other end of the house, so I made my way to the door that led to the basement. It wasn’t locked, and I took each stair one slow step at a time to avoid any creaking. Fortunately, they were well made and completely silent. That didn’t stop me from holding my breath every time the bottom of my boot made contact with another riser, though.

  I got to the bottom and looked around the corner into the aisle between the cages. The guard was about three down, unlocking one of them. That meant he was distracted. It also meant he had the keys.

  When I was about to make my move, doubt gripped my stomach. Was I being stupid? Was it really a good move to risk my life for some beat-up, used up whore?

  Who was I kidding? I’d already come so far. I wasn’t leaving without her. I had to have her.

  I held my finger up to my lips to keep the girls who were watching me quiet. The guard fumbled with the keys and never saw me coming.

  The syringe found his neck and he dropped to the floor before he could fight back or scream. Goddamn, my brothers could get their hands on some serious shit.

  I turned and began walking toward my girl’s cage. I was so close I could almost taste her.

  “You don’t want her,” the girl in the cage next to hers said. “She’s too used up. She’ll make you miserable.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” I said and twisted the key in the lock.

  “I can make you happy,” she continued. “I’ll take care of you if you get me out of here.”

  I ignored the other girl and went to mine. She was laid out on the bed, completely out of it. They must have drugged her.

  My hands slid under her and lifted her slight body from the dirty mattress. She was nothing more than a limp doll in my arms.

  My broken doll.

  She was finally in my arms, and all I could think about was marking her as mine. I needed her pussy to know the only cock it would ever have again, but there were more important things. That didn’t stop my cock from throbbing in anticipation.

  I briefly considered letting the rest of the girls go, but what would they do? None of them would be able to survive in the world on their own. They had known no other life. If I let them out, they’d end up on the streets, sucking cock for crack for a few years before being killed in some back alley. Not to mention, most of them would probably get themselves—and me—killed as they tried to escape.

  I had to get my new possession out of there alive. I threw her over my shoulder and fireman carried her up the stairs and back to the window I’d come through.

  It hadn’t been hard to get back into the bedroom. I could still hear the men’s voices down the hall, and it sounded like they hadn’t moved. I wondered if Bruno knew his men didn’t do their jobs the second he stepped outside the house. Bad for him. Good for me.

  I gently guided her down into the grass outside the window. She let out a low moan, and her eyes fluttered open for a second, but then she was out again.

  There was no way to put the window back together, so I picked her up and started walking through the neighbor’s yard to the street where I’d parked my truck.

  It was a risk walking through someone’s yard, but it was a bigger risk to walk down the street with a drugged-up woman flung over my shoulder. I moved through their yard quickly and hit the pavement practically running. Getting her to the truck without being seen was the most important thing.

  We made it to my ride, and I opened the back door of the cab. I placed her across the bench seat as easily as I could. She was broken so I doubted that she’d start screaming if she woke up, but I didn’t want to risk it.

  Once she was in the truck, I went around to the driver’s side and got in. I scanned the street and saw it was empty. No one had followed us, and we’d made our escape clean.

  I fought the urge to peel out and pressed down on the accelerator with care. As I pulled away from the curb, I saw a man dressed in black round the corner down the block from where I’d parked. He had a gun in his hand, and he had to have been one of Bruno’s men. I made it far enough down the block and took a right turn before he saw me. We’d made it out.

  Driving straight home seemed like a bad idea. There could have been someone tailing me that I hadn't spotted. Since that was a possibility, I figured it would be best to drive around for a while.

  She stank, bad, so I rolled down the windows. The crisp night air rushed into the cab of the truck, and she began to stir.

  It was then that I realized a fatal flaw in my plan. I could have kicked myself for being so stupid. What if she tried to run or tried to hurt me. I’d just put her in the back seat like a new puppy I was taking home for the holidays, but what if she was an attack dog? I’d gotten the sense from the short time that I’d been around her that she was a survivor.

  I checked the review mirror. There were no cars behind us, so I pulled over into a picnic area. It was dark, and no one was around.

  The only thing I had in the truck were zip ties, but that would do. I got two of them out of my toolbox in the truck bed. She was still mostly out of it when I opened the door and bound her ankles.

  I started to bind her wrists behind her, but she interrupted me. “Please. Can you put them in the front. I’ll behave. I promise,” she said groggily.

  I considered it for a moment. “Yeah. I can do that, but baby girl, if you get out of line, you get the belt, and then I’ll toss your ass in the truck bed. Do you understand?”

  She nodded her head yes and stuck her wrists out, pressed together, for me to bind. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl,” I said and slammed the truck door shut after binding her.

  Chapter Six


  I was curious about the man whose truck I found myself in. He hadn’t purchased me, as far as I knew, and that could mean only one thing. He’d stolen me.

  Was that possible? I remembered him trying to buy me, and Bruno had refused. I’d seen this man twice. Once, when he said he didn’t want me, and that had earned me a beating, and then again when Bruno said he couldn’t have me.

  The situation was fucked-up, but I was intrigued. I didn’t know much about Bruno since he’d kept me in a cage in the basement, but he didn’t seem like the type of man that many would steal from. He was a violent psychopath.

  “What’s your name?” my new owner asked when he caught me looking at him in the rearview mirror.

  “They call me Sapphire.”

  “Because of your eyes, right?” he asked flatly. “I want your real name.”

  I wondered if I should tell him. No one had cared about my real name in a long time, and I didn’t know if this guy deserved to know. But what choice did I have? Whether he’d stolen me or purchased me from Bruno, I belonged to him. If he’d gone through the trouble of taking me, I doubted that he’d kill me.

  A little hope sprung in my chest. Maybe that’s precisely why he stole me. Perhaps he didn’t want to pay for a girl he was just going to kill. It was entirely possible that he was some psycho killer who would rape and torture me first, but at least I would die a
t the end. I’d be free.

  “What is your fucking name, sweetheart?” His angry voice snapped me back to reality. He wasn’t accustomed to women making him wait.

  “It’s Elise, sir,” I said softly. “My real name is Elise.”

  “That’s better, Elise. See, if you answer me when I talk to you, I don’t have to pull the truck over and take a belt to your sweet ass. I think that works out better for both of us.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I could swear I almost saw a smile cross his lips when I looked up at him in the rearview mirror again. It was gone in a split-second. For all I know, it had been a sneer.

  Another bloom of hope welled up inside of me, despite myself. I eyed the truck’s door handle. Perhaps it wasn’t locked. I could get out when he stopped at a light. Maybe death wasn’t the only way out. I was young. Perhaps I could heal.

  I almost laughed at myself. The best thing I could do was open the truck door and throw myself out while he was going top speed. I’d hit my head and then lights out.

  He must have seen me looking at the door because I heard the locks engage. “Don’t,” he warned.

  Escape wasn’t going to be possible, but perhaps where ever he was taking me would present ways for me to kill myself. I might have to be creative, but I could do that. I’d thought of hundreds of ways to do myself in over the years. It’s what I did when they were fucking me. While they rammed their cocks into my pussy or ass, I’d imagine all the ways I could die.

  “I won’t,” was all I could think to say.

  “Are you hungry or thirsty? We can grab something on the way back. You look like you need to eat.”

  I didn’t say anything, but I did shake my head no. I would never ask for food or water. That was my number one rule. I would never let them think I wanted something from them because if you did, your owner would always hold it against you.

  The rest of the ride, I just watched him. The other men who owned me used threats and weapons to keep me in line. None of them were what I would have considered physically imposing.

  This man was different. He was muscular and covered in tattoos. He looked like he could break me in half with his bare hands. He looked like he was made to break women in half. I wondered how many girls he’d owned. That thought brought emotion to my chest that felt like a dull stab. It didn’t make sense. Why would I want to be his only girl?